Developing an eCommerce website development in Nepal made easy with Prabhu Soft. Online shopping and e-commerce business in Nepal is on booming and this is the right opportunity to start your profitable E-commerce website Nepal.
Developing an eCommerce website will strengthen the trustworthiness of your business, help you expand your trademark nationally.
In this article, I have shown you how to build your e-commerce website in Nepal with just simple steps without any technical skills or experience.
Strategies beyond E-commerce sites In Nepal
If you are just beginning to the e-commerce business in Nepal and don’t know where to start and have no idea.
These are the strategy beyond to create success full e-commerce site Nepal and types of websites that can be built on Nepal with e-commerce.
- To Increase your e-commerce business you will have to reach through targeting different local & markets
Learn and Connect with Your Audience. - Utilize Social Media to the Next Level
- Promise On Time
- Emerge your contribution to interest the market in ways you previously could not.
Types of Ecommerce Websites Nepal
Certain is the types of eCommerce which you require to understand to begin and build it from scratch to profitable.
The main types of eCommerce websites are:
1.B2C Online Stores:
The meaning of the B2C Store is (business-to-consumer) which simply means,
The online store is used to display and promote products to final consumers like clothes and tech products including mobiles and PC.
2. B2B Ecommerce Platforms
The long-form of B2B is the business-to-business electronic commerce.
The sale of goods or services connecting businesses via an online sales portal.
Services like Dropbox, General Electric, are examples of B2B companies.
3.C2C eCommerce Stores
Consumer to consumer, or C2C, is the business model that facilitates commerce between private individuals.
Examples:-eBay, an online auction site, and Amazon, which acts as both a B2C example.
Why E-commerce is Important and Its Scope In Nepal ?
If you are a techy guy or non-techy, you might have noticed in the lockdown days more than thousands of stores have been completely down.
Including schools everything.
What I have noticed is those stores and shops which had completely showdown are booming right now.
Do you know what?
The offline stores are completely moved to online commerce store and all those school sites have or not are completely live and doing online classes.
The best part is they are owning their own value making more revenue than offline stores.
you can find out the valuation of e-commerce in Nepal if not it might go to a billion-dollar company in the next 5 yrs.
Not believe then read this – Dolma Impact Fund invests additional $1 million in
Just wanted to tell you last words so what are you waiting for?
Even a small tea shop and drinks store are online & talking about its scope to you its limitless can’t explain words.
Follow my all down steps to create a successful online eCommerce store that will boom you business(step-by-step).
7 Easy Steps to the eCommerce website development In Nepal
Once you have defined the proper type “model” of an eCommerce website for your business in Nepal
The next steps are to start the e-commerce website development process in Nepal.
1. Figure out what you’re going to sell
The first step to go ahead on e-commerce business is to and find out what holds you going to sell and what suits you in terms of interest.
Anything you build either in this world needs passion without passion you will not be on business for longterm.
Building an online store around your passions paraphrases into a business you’ll enjoy running.
Do you know?
Every day thousands of businesses are established online but out of thousand only 5 to 10 are successful because they are unique and have good strategies as being said above.
Nepal is also one of them.
First thing first, determine what you are going to sell if you ready and aware of it move to the next step.
2. Do Proper Research Of Your Product
After figuring out what you are going to sell in our new online eCommerce store, the second step is
To do proper research on your product, whatever you business intentions an e-commerce store requires to be guided by,
Research concerning the products you’re marketing and the people you hope to sell them to.
Here what you need to know more,
Operating an eCommerce website means not only knowing everything potential customers may need right now but what they’ll want in the future.
You need to think for longterm business always, say o short time business, keep in mind.
Finding a good product niche with a little more breathing place can give you a better chance.
3. Understand Your Product Audience
It is very essential you should also have to do proper research as you have done for your product.
This is similar to product and audience,
Product= Audience, Audience= Product.
You should know the details about who your potential audience is.
What’s their backdrop(background)? What’s their income range? How old are they?
If you won’t do proper research for your audience then getting will be at a loss, just like you are driving a car and don’t know where to stop.
Develop well-established connections with them and making for better user experience.
You cannot sell RS 10 Pen On 10K NP.
Simple, do proper research for your audience, does your audience perfect to buy a product and do it fits in their budget.
4. Choose A Perfect Domain Name For Online Ecommerce Store
This is moderately outspoken straight. You need a domain name registration that will perfectly identify your brand.
Don’t fall into bad or name your business something that’s too close to your competitor’s space.
Make it Unique that matches your brand and store name.
After following all higher steps(i.e- Step1 to 4).
Now its time to build an online commerce store in Nepal from scratch, where domain name comes apart from first.
Before you overthink let me solve your queries;
Why I Need Domain for E-commerce Store ?
A domain name is an address of your store where your audience users can access your website.
- A recognizable store name that belongs to you, e.g.
- A professional email address associated to your domain where people can contact you(Ex. [email protected])
Don’t overthink the step.
Use Prabhu Host to buy the best domains at a cheap price which you cannot get in another place.
5. Select E-Commerce Hosting Platform
Hosting is the main factor for any online business when it comes to e-commerce you will need to have the best and top.
E-commerce hosting in Nepal, hosting plays huge matters in making revenue form your online store.
Even you if you had followed my all above-said steps properly and chose the bad e-commerce hosting, all thing will be waste.
Hosting is the place where all your files and coding are stored and all data.
This is not a web hosting its eCommerce hosting when your site goes live to the world thousands of visitors and signups are stored in hosting and if you choose the bad hosting do keep in mind your site will be crashed and might not able to restore.
To save time and money, select a popular eCommerce hosting where Prabhu host is one of them at a very good price that can handle lots of traffic.
Once you redirect on the link, you will be able to see 3 Different hostings plans with good prices.
Don’t judge hosting by money and don’t overthink and make sure to buy the best hosting that fits your budget.One hosting mistake can punish you a penny of lakhs.
6. Design Your Online Store
After successfully following my steps and buy a domain and hosting with Prabhuhost, now its time to makes your site unique.
When your audience comes that will fall in love with your site and won’t leave back till they bought.
Make sure of have proper guidelines of your store like Contact page, About Us, How to buy, Payment method.
Those are very important pages to take care of it.
7. Make Your Website Live
That’s it. You’re done! You now have your own online eCommerce store live with just a few easy steps.
Now you have your own unique business name with the perfect domain name which you had bought from Prabhu Host.
E-commerce website development service In Nepal
Once your store is live, start promoting on social media and other media as being said above.
Here’s the bonus tip for readers, if you don’t love to follow and have a cheap budget or good budget,
And don’t want to make your own ecommerce site by yourself .
We also have website development service at good budget with Great UI/UX as said above.
Why Prabhu Soft Website Development For You?
Prabhu Soft has been in this business for many years and also the best web hosting/website service in Nepal.
Why should you choose Prabhu Soft ?
If you use Prabhu Soft to create your own e-commerce store in Nepal you will not have to purchase Hosting which means hosting and other stuff will be provided free.
Pros Of Prabhu Soft
Prabhu Soft provides custom website solutions that have a compelling user experience which enhances your overall marketing goals and brand identity.
You don’t have to worry about hosting when their teams are live 24hrs, even if your site coding gets error Prabhu Soft will take care of it.
- Responsive Web Design
- Usability and Competition Analysis
- Information Architecture Design
- User Experience Design
- Website Content Strategy
- SEO Friendly Coding
- CMS ( WordPress ) and Payment gateway Integration
- Cross Browser and Platform Testing
- Maintenance
- Free E-commerce Hosting
- Basic SEO
- Technical Support
Conclusion: Ecommerce Website Development In Nepal
Ecommerce has opened thousands of opportunities in Nepal these days.
If your product is unique and people are ready to buy then think you are the next million man.
Living from Nepal you have thousands of opportunities beside you, all you have to do is proper market research.
You may be the next one just like dolma as funded $1M.
A quick overview of this article Ecommerce Website Development Nepal.
- Figure Out What your going to sell
- Do Proper Research Of Your Product
- Understand Your Product Audience
- Choose A Perfect Domain Name For Online Ecommerce Store
- Select E-Commerce Hosting Platform
- Design Your Online Store
- Make Your Website Live
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Shopify vs WordPress for Your E-commerce Needs